
by pjrthefox
This fix has not been extensively tested on all stadiums, only where the crowd is
dark or over shaded. Ex. Stadium of Light, King Power Stadium, Stamford Bridge (Night).
Will brighten any GDB Stadium. Has been tested on Premier League Stadiums.
Not required for Emirates or Etihad.
This is a two step process, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.
Included in this Fix:
Lightmap.bin (Day)
Lightmap.bin (Night)
****Backup your original lightmap.bin file before copying****
Instructions (Example):
Copy lightmap.bin (Day) to appropriate Stadium day-fine / day-rain folder.
EX. Program files (x86)/Konami/Pro Evolution Soccer 2013/Gameplay tool/GDB/stadiums/England/
Stadium of light/day-fine.
Copy setting.txt to appropriate stadium folder
EX. Program files (x86)/Konami/Pro Evolution Soccer 2013/Gameplay tool/GDB/stadiums/England/
Stadium of light.
The lightmap.bin file sets the lighting and the setting.txt file sets the correct shaders.
If your stadium already has a setting.txt file, copy the shader settings inside this setting.txt
file into the setting.txt in your stadium folder.
****Try one stadium at a time and backup your original lightmap.bin, just in case*****

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